Just Added
Source Docs Main Page
NASA doc
Source Docs
Main Info Page
Nano Bots / Nano Fibers
NSA/Electronic Harassment - Stalking - MIND CONTROL
Toxicsky.org / Chemtrails
SmartMetersMurder.com / CellTowers
Common Core Curriculum / Education
ToxicDrinkingWater.org / Fluoride
Vaccines / Autism
GMO / Senomyx
Climate Action Plans
Agriculture Census
U.N. Sex Guide
Robots / NanoTEch
More Info
Leuren Moret
Barrie Trower
Deborah Tavares



ENERGY STAR Resources Partnering with ICLEI/UN and the EPA Under the Guise of Local Governments for Sustainability USA

Smart Home Appliances/Government Green Regulations and RFID chips integrated into clothing buttons . . .

Energy Star-rated EVERYTHING (all appliances and equipment - anything that plugs into your wall sockets) is required per the Climate Action Plans that have been adopted or soon to be in YOUR town, right now . . This is UN Agenda 21 on steroids set to attempt to do in-home energy audits, that we pay for (one hour energy inspections scoring our homes for efficiency or not), and then we must, they say, retrofit and correct all the inefficient energy violations.  Keep in mind - Energy Star-rated appliances and equipment are ONLY electric NOT gas.  As we say - "you can kiss your gas good bye".  To learn more about the Climate Action Plans please go to the home page on www.StopTheCrime.net scroll down to the Climate Action link . . . and you will see the ICLEI/UN Climate Action Plan TEMPLATE . . . Smart Meters are specified in the CAP as well. . .